048 - If not contraception, then what?! If birth control is so bad, what other options do women have?

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If not contraception, then what?!If birth control is so bad, what other options do women have?Dr. Marguerite Duane from FACTS walks us through NATURAL and SCIENTIFIC fertility awareness-based methods to avoid (and achieve!) pregnancy.Resources mentioned:

  • FACTS website - link
  • 2010 study on doctors & their familiarity with FABMs (3-6% familiar with modern methods) - link
  • Study finds birth control as a Group 1 Carcinogen - linkIn the last line of the monograph on page 311, it states "Combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives are carcinogenic to humans (Group 1)."
  • FACTS 2013 review of FABM effectiveness ratings by the CDC vs actual effectiveness - link
  • FACTS conferences and events - link
  • FACTS review and rating of phone fertility apps for avoiding pregnancy - link
  • FACTS webinars - link
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049 - Acting courageously for the good of others [From the Frontlines]


047 - Contraception: a doctor's perspective on the harms and risks of hormonal birth control