"Phenomenal Conference!"

SFLI 2014 Conf. Group PhotoThis is the best regional conference in the nation, by far!National pro-life speaker, Jay Watts exclaimed. Hosted at DePaul University on October 18th, the 8th annual SFLI Conference drew more students than ever!Four years ago, 45 people attended the conference.This year, 115 people from 18 different schools packed the auditorium!I need this conference because it’s so easy to get worn down and discouraged at college.The theme, Who You Serve, highlighted the people in need. The first speaker, Jessica, who suffered the loss of an abortion in college, ended her moving testimony of becoming pro-life by saying,So who do you serve? You serve me.Speakers presented on how to bring hope to those hurting and bring joy to those in crisis before being hurt by abortion.Mirelle, who chose life for her daughter while in college and graduated this past May on time, shared her story:I questioned having an abortion that weekend I found out...Now, my daughter amazes me every day...Never have I felt such a love...until I had my daughter.Asked what she learned, one student said:how to confidently and compassionately express my pro-life beliefs!In the last speech, "Loving Life", Executive Director of SFLI, Kevin Grillot, challenged students to dream. He called SFLI’s current intern, Katherine Formentini, to share her vision for the future:I, Katherine, have a dream that life will be protected, loved, and valued at all stages…we will see a woman in crisis, and look to help her, rather than showing her an 'easy way out'...life will be seen as a gift, not a burden or a mistake...I dream that our generation moves to protect the next one!We are thrilled to build Katherine’s dream with each growing Conference! 


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2014 SFLI Conference!