A Strong Start

Passion for life on campus sparks change

It’s Quad Day and weDignify students stand out in the crowd! The Yellow Umbrellas spark conversations and draw students to the table.

The team of student leaders has so much passion for life because they have been trainedto speak with great articulation and positivity about what it means to be pro-life. Many students stopped to ask questions, which resulted in many thought-provoking conversations.

“We had students say ‘look I’m pro-choice, but I really love the work that you do’ after having a conversation with us! The reach we are able to have this year is incredible.” – Erin, UIUC

WeDignify’s growth on campus is apparent! Over 70 students signed up to get more involved. Now, small groups are starting with true purpose to change hearts. “

I joined a small group because I’m a bit stuck. I went to Catholic school and said I was Pro-Life, but my mom is Pro-Choice. I’m in small group because I want to learn more about the issue of abortion in order to understand what it means to be Pro-Life” – Alec, UIUC


056 - If you disagree with me, you hate me?!


055 - 2 invitations, 1 life saved, hundreds impacted!