Corrupt Governors, Now Corrupt Regulators?
By Kelly JohnsonWhat would you think if you found out that the state of Illinois does not report all the necessary information about abortion?Well it’s true.The Chicago Tribune found out that the state under-reports abortions by the thousands. According to the article, “the state’s system for tracking abortions is so broken that regulators may be missing more than 7,000 of the procedures per year.”Along with under-reporting abortions, the state of Illinois is also under-reporting the number of abortion providers in the state. Twenty six abortion providers are acknowledged in the state; but the Tribune found 37 providers.So, why is this issue such a big deal?Because of the under-reporting, it is hard to evaluate the complications of an abortion. These complications can range from infertility to death. Due to the inaccurate numbers, it is nearly impossible to see if the doctors are committing malpractice. Along with that, inaccurate medical reports are also a crime. All of these issues need to be fixed.Along with under-reporting abortions, the number of abortion providers is inaccurate as well. What other medical clinics are allowed to operate off the books like this?
Legal and Safe, or Just Legal?
Abortion advocates are always saying that abortion needs to be kept legal so that it will be safe. Yet, here in Illinois, it seems that safety isn’t much of a priority. Why aren’t Planned Parenthood, ACLU and NOW calling for investigations to protect women’s health?Illinois is starting to get a bad name for itself! We are known for having corrupt politicians, which is a whole other topic that I could spend hours talking about. Now Illinois physicians and regulators are being sketchy on the number of abortions that are performed each year and the number of abortion providers.Abortion is an important topic and it is already hard to find creditable statistics to back up pro-life reasoning. Now to find out that the numbers I believed to be true are not even reliable, that is upsetting.---Twohey, Megan. “State Records Full of Gaps: Thousands of Procedures not Reported to Health Department.” Chicago Tribune. 16 June 2011. Web. 06 July 2011.,0,746323.story