Cupcakes for Life at Bradley
Peoria, IL -- Monday February 16th, Bradley Students for Life at Bradley University in Peoria, IL held a Cupcakes for Life Day. Members of Students for Life, the St. Joseph Newman Center, Kappa Phi Christian women's sorority, and even students' family members baked around 1500 cupcakes, and Students for Life distributed them in the Student Center and in front of the main academic building. As Providence would have it, Monday just happened to be a Visit Day for prospective students, so nearly 100 high school seniors and their parents were able to receive cupcakes as well! The cupcakes were free, and attached to each one with a ribbon was little card that read: "Celebrating the lives of 50 million children since 1973 who never got to have a birthday party." We heard about the idea originally from a group at the March for Life, who chose cupcakes because of their quintessential significance as a birthday party staple. Our goal was to bake and distribute 500 cupcakes, but the Lord obviously had bigger plans!- Anne Marie, Bradley University Students for Life