De-Fund Planned Parenthood-Cincinnati

The De-Fund Planned Parenthood CampaignCincinnati Press ConferenceMonday, July 14thIn case you missed it, this is what Planned Parenthood has been up to:• Planned Parenthood is currently under criminal investigation in Kansas for falsifying documents and performing illegal late-term abortions.• In California, the former Vice President of Finance and Administration for the Los Angeles Planned Parenthood has accused California Planned Parenthood of defrauding taxpayers upwards of $180 million.• A recent video on YouTube shows a Planned Parenthood development director “excited” at the possibility of taking money specifically earmarked to kill black children.• The Alan Guttmacher Institute, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), show that a huge majority of abortion clinics are located in minority neighborhoods and some experts estimate the number at higher than 62.5%• Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest provider of abortions. They have over 850 clinics across the country.• Recently, a Wall Street Journal story reported that Planned Parenthood is going to spend an unprecedented $10 million this election cycle.• It has just been discovered that Southwest Ohio Planned Parenthood has purchased land, under a false name “Auburn Parking Compnay”, to relocate and open a clinic in August of 2008 within blocks of Western Hills High School, a school that buses in African-American students from all around the city of Cincinnati.Join African-American Pastors and Leaders on July 14th to call on Congress to De-Fund Planned Parenthood!• 10:00 a.m. in front of the main doors of the Duke Energy Convention Center located at 525 Elm Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202Those leaders present will include: Dr. Alveda King, Rev. Arnold Culbreath, Day Gardner, Rev. Clinard Childress, and others.


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