December Activism Day '08

On December 3rd, over 100 students participated in the Students for Life of Illinois Activism Day sending the message to their peers that "Abortion is Bad for Women"Students participated in a variety of ways.  Many changed their facebook status or gmail status to say "Abortion is Bad for Women" and link to a website with more information.  Some wore buttons boldly stating: "I'm Pro-Life Ask Me Why!"  Others hung fliers in classrooms and still others stood in busy locations on campus to personally engage passersby with handouts and dialoge.The U of I pro-life group was covered by the student newspaper.  The coverage can be seen here.  The effort was also covered by the Illinois Federation for Right to Life.We are looking forward to the next SFLI Activism Day in January which will address the Freedom of Choice Act.  Keep an eye out for more updates here.

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PP Covers up Abuse by Sending Girl to IL for Abortion


"Freedom of Choice Act"