Do Not Be Discouraged by The Komen Take-Down

Last week was a roller coaster!We had Komen, whom pro-lifers have pushed to drop PP for a long time, finally drop their funding of the abortion giant. Then, after Komen was crushed by Planned Parenthood's media machine, they gave in.Now, Planned Parenthood is about $3 Million dollars richer and what was once a small but sweet victory is now bitter defeat.There are both good things and bad things that happened here. I don't want you to get discouraged!So, here's some of the good...Good: Planned Parenthood showed their true colors. They knew about this news for 6 weeks before saying anything publicly. They used that time to plan the Komen take-down. It's hard to uphold their 'pro-woman' image when they plan the take down of other pro-woman organizations that cross them.Good: Other businesses and organizations who were paying attention will now think twice about ever affiliating with or supporting PP publicly.Good: Now EVERYONE knows that Komen supports the abortion industry. (many people didn't believe it before)Good: Now EVERYONE knows that PP doesn't actually do mammograms. (one of PP's best marketing ploys is gone)Good: The google search traffic for terms like 'how many abortions does planned parenthood do' tripled during the three main days of the controversy. I saw a noticeable increase in traffic and pro-choice interaction on The more people learn about PP the better.

Moving Forward

We must be careful to show PP's true colors. What they did was clearly the premeditated bullying of another non-profit to get their money. We want people to remember that Planned Parenthood is not pro-woman and they are not going to play nice with pro-woman organizations that get in their way.What do you think? Are there any other examples of good things coming from this situation?


Cupcakes at the Capitol 2012!


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