Is Enforcing Abortion Law Unethical?

phil klineI was going to post on this after meeting Phil Kline's wife in DC, but this email from Human Life Alliance explains the situation well:

In October 2007, District Court Judge James F. Vano reviewed evidence compiled by former Attorney General Phil Kline and found probable cause to believe that Planned Parenthood committed 107 crimes, including 23 felonies. Criminal charges against Planned Parenthood were filed the next day. If convicted, Planned Parenthood stands to lose $325 million in federal funding.The Kansas Supreme Court went to work to prevent these charges from reaching open court. In Kansas, Supreme Court judges are appointed by the Governor for life, and Kathleen Sebelius has appointed five of the seven justices.The Court allowed Planned Parenthood to sue Phil Kline four times and also ordered Stan Hazlett, Ethics Administrator, to start proceedings to remove Phil Kline's law license. The Court Claims Kline's pro-life beliefs are unethical. The Court also claims that Kline violated ethics by not ordering his investigators to tell the Sebelius administration why the investigation was taking place and the nature of the investigation. Sebelius opposed any investigation of the clinics and ordered her agencies to fight Kline's investigation. She received major funding from Planned Parenthood and George Tiller.The investigation against Kline has lasted over 4 years with numerous depositions and a secret trial ordered by the Court. At one point, the Court's Ethics Administrator hired an independent investigator to investigate Kline. After two years, the investigator filed his report which stated that Kline had not done anything wrong. The Ethics Administrator ignored the report. Its existence was unknown until two years later.The Kansas media was informed about the existence of this report but decided it was not newsworthy. The Kansas City Star, the state's main daily newspaper, won the "Maggie Award" from Planned Parenthood for how they handled Kline's investigation.Phil Kline needs your support. He is under attack and faces loss of his law license and incredible financial burdens. Please go to for more details.

I've met Phil a few times over the years and he is a great guy. In fact, last year he spoke at the SpeakOut Illinois Conference. His talk was inspiring and it really drove home the point that in addition to pro-life laws, we need pro-life people (like Phil Kline) to enforce them.Abortion clinics are often above the law and rarely have the law enforced against them. Examples include the latest undercover videos of Planned Parenthood which reveal widespread cover-up of sex trafficking of minors.  So far, to my knowledge, no charges have been filed against PP for breaking the law. Laws are only as good as their enforcement.I encourage everyone to join Phil's cause and support him!


PP Continues Cover Up of Sex Trafficking


Expose Planned Parenthood Tonight!