013 - Abortion Hurts Women | The weDignify Podcast

Dr. Donna Harrison is back to discuss the harm that abortion inflicts on women. At the end of the episode, Morgan shares peer-reviewed research to help you be better equipped to make your case against abortion.Mentioned in this episode:American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists - linkLinking Breast Cancer and Abortion - linkIllinois Right to Life: Abortion Hurts Women - link"Abortion, Substance Abuse and Mental Health in Early Adulthood: Thirteen-Year Longitudinal Evidence from the United States" - linkPlanned Parenthood: "How safe is an in-clinic abortion?" - linkHope After Abortion: Your Stories (stories from women and men who have suffered from abortion) - link 

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Merry Christmas!


012 - Responding to "Hard Cases" | The weDignify Podcast