025 - HB 2495 & HB 2467: What you need to know | The weDignify Podcast

First New York, then Virginia, Rhode Island...the list goes on. Expanding abortion laws has become a trend in 2019 and the trend has come to Illinois.Mary Kate Knorr, Executive Director of Illinois Right to Life, joins Morgan today to discuss these bills and what they mean for Illinois.Covered in this episode:

  • Why are these bills being proposed?
  • How much expansion of abortion access is being proposed?
  • If the parental notification laws are repealed, is there ANY minimum age at which a parent would be notified about their child's plan for abortion?
  • Can amendments to these bills be made to make them more acceptable?
  • What can I do to help stop these bills?

...and more!Resources:

  • Find your state representatives - link
    • Call them!
    • Email them!
    • Visit them!
  • Rally in Springfield: March 20, 2019 - more info

Click for more episodes!

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026 - Melissa Ohden: Abortion Survivor | The weDignify Podcast


"Our movement is about love."