027 - Our Words Matter: Responding to Miscarriage | The weDignify Podcast

About 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage and we need to be prepared to respond to those experiencing pregnancy loss with love and compassion.This week, birth and bereavement doula, Laura Ricketts, joins the show to share how we can best support those who've lost a baby in the womb.Covered today:

  • The worst things you can say to someone who's lost a child to miscarriage (the list may surprise you!)
  • The best things you can do and say to support someone whose child has died in the womb

...and more!

Click for more episodes!

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028 - Pro-Life AND Feminist?! | The weDignify Podcast


026 - Melissa Ohden: Abortion Survivor | The weDignify Podcast