034 - Missing up to 90% of children with Down Syndrome because of abortion

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Did you know that 70% - 90% of children diagnosed with Down Syndrome in the womb are aborted?Does that surprise you given that our society preaches inclusion, acceptance, and loving all people no matter their abilities?How can you help people understand the dignity of ALL people, no matter the challenges they may face?Mary O'Callaghan from the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame joins the show today to discuss what drives parents to choose abortion after a disability diagnosis, what we can do to be a part of the solution to this massive problem, and more!Mentioned in this episode:

  • Americans With Disabilities Act (1990) - link
  • CBS report "What kind of society do you want to live in?": Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing - link
  • Jerome Lejeune - link
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