"Far greater than anything I had imagined"

Hannah Medow Testimony picture

This is the third testimony from students who went with us to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. It comes from Hannah who graduates from St. Xavier this year.  Here’s Hannah:

Taking part in the March for Life was on my bucket list, but I was never able to go. This year I went to D.C., and the beauty of the experience was far greater than anything I had imagined in the past 8 years.

Be the revolution. That was the message etched in our brains after the Students for Life of America conference. As the March approached I began to feel more confident that what we are doing is in fact a revolution.WE ARE THE PRO-LIFE GENERATION!We are making history. The immensity of what we are doing and what we were marching for became more and more palpable. The grace that filled me was overwhelming.We were marching for those who will never take a step, raising our voices for those who will never be heard, and defending those who cannot defend themselves.I’ve been Pro-Life my whole life, those beliefs and sentiments were something that I carried very close to my heart and held central to my being.Now, however, I feel as though I have a deeper and clearer understanding of why we believe what we believe.One thing we heard was to begin treating this cause as if lives depend on it, because they do. That statement hasn’t really left my head or my heart since I heard it.We are saving lives. We were marching to make a difference. What we did that day was not only a step towards change and positivity in our country but hopefully a step towards change and understanding in the hearts of people all over the world.Peace and Life,HannahWe are so glad that Hannah is a part of this crucial pro-life movement with Students for Life of Illinois.


I’m not afraid to share my beliefs


"I knew I could not stop"