Feminists for Life President Available to Speak

Feminists for Life President Serrin Foster will be traveling through Illinois this spring to do several events in the area. She will be hosting her powerful lecture "The Feminist Case Against Abortion" as well as doing several Pregnancy Resource Forums. This is going to be a very exciting tour, and Feminists for Life would love to have any interested schools participate!Serrin would be available to speak Feb 25-26, March 2-4 and possibly for other dates, and FFL would be able to offer interested schools a discounted travel rate. FFL will be booking travel later this week, so please contact Chaunie ASAP!Chaunie BrusieCollege Outreach Program Coordinator(p)202-641-0296(f)815-366-7668Feminists for Life of Americahttp://www.feministsforlife.org


SFLI at TeenSpeak 2010


Spring 2010 Activism Events