Help the Pro-Life Action League fight Planned Parenthood
Dear Students,If you're not already convinced that we need to do all that we canto stop Planned Parenthood from expanding their parking lot inAurora, here's another reason:PLANNED PARENTHOOD HAS JUST SENT OUT A FRANTIC ALERTTO THEIR SUPPORTERS TO CONTACT THE AURORA CITY COUNCILAND EXPRESS THEIR SUPPORT FOR THE PARKING SCHEME.If Planned Parenthood thinks it's so important to get their new planblessed by the City Council, that's a sure sign we have to fight it.I've already asked you to come to the City Council if you can, butnow I need you to e-mail the mayor and aldermen to express youropposition to Planned Parenthood's parking expansion.I've just set up a City Council contact form that will make it easyfor you to reach Mayor Weisner and all 12 aldermen: can use the message provided on the form, or use your own wordsto explain why Planned Parenthood should be denied -- and howthey're lying about us pro-lifers.I also want to repeat my invitation for you to join me at the CityCouncil meeting at 6 p.m. tomorrow:EVENT: Aurora City Council MeetingWHEN: TOMORROW, 10/27, 6 p.m.WHERE: Aurora City Hall, 2nd Floor, Council ChambersMAP: UP TO SPEAK: 630-844-3615I'd encourage you to call and sign up even if you're not sure youwant to speak, Students. Once you're there, you may beinspired, so go ahead and sign up just in case.But whether or not you can be at the meeting tomorrow, please sendthat e-mail to the City Council right away. Here's the link again: for helping assure that the voices the City Council hears insupport of Planned Parenthood are far outnumbered -- once again --by voices declaring that "Planned Parenthood is BAD for Aurora."Yours for Life,-- Eric ScheidlerP.S. Last Friday's "Motion to Dismiss" hearing in the zoning casewent well. A ruling is expected November 6, but meanwhile get allthe details about it here: