Live as a Witness

During a recent conversation with a friend, I challenged him to live every aspect of his life as a witness to Christ.  These words echo in my mind now as this summer internship comes into full swing.  As I become more deeply involved in spreading the Culture of Life, I strive to align my entire being with the pro-life movement and all it stands for.  I challenge you all to do the same.If this sounds like a huge undertaking, that's because it is!  However, the most effective and lasting transformations do not happen in an instant.  Rather, it is a gradual, progressive process that must take place within each individual.  The first, and often the hardest, step is making the firm conviction to change.  Find like-minded individuals and hold each other accountable.  Challenge each other to make small changes every day.  You will have slip-ups, but don't let them discourage you.  Instead, let your failures motivate you to do better next time.Remember, the most powerful testament is not the words you say or even the things you do, but it is in the way you live.  So if you truly want to bring about the Culture of Life, you must be a witness to it!"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~Anne Frank


More Polls Indicate a Shift toward Pro-Life Attitudes


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