Maryland Opens to Late Term Abortion

In Germantown Maryland, 200-300 Pro-Life activists are peacefully protesting outside a late term abortion clinic.  According to the Washington Post, there were about a dozen speakers, each denouncing LeRoy Carhart, the late term abortionist associated with the clinic.  As usual, the police are maintaining tight barriers between the protesters and the clinic.  Lets not forget that we are now terror suspects, according to homeland security.Carhart says that he will provide elective abortions up to 24 weeks.  This rightfully has caused an uproar in the Maryland Pro-Life community, since Carhart is meant to replace Steven C. Brigham,  whose medical license was revoked due to his performance of late term abortions on New Jersey patients when he had no license to do so.Maryland activists are saying that they do not want their home state to become a late term abortion capital in America. Here's hoping all the best for the brave protesters.Now a question for the readers. There have been cases in the past where Pro-lifers have been able to form friendship with the staff  and even abortionists to win them over to our side.  This happened to be the case with Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe herself) .  Should Pro-lifers in Maryland also apply this method?  And why are such stories never covered by the mainstream media but the extremely small minority of clinic attackers are?,0,1592411.story


"The Roe V. Wade of Europe"


March for Life 2011!