Meet Corey!

Hi, I’m Corey! Growing up in a Catholic family, I was always involved within my church and youth group; however, my involvement with the pro-life movement did not ignite until last year.Corey, SFLI Fall InternLast October, my Church offered a prayer service dedicated to the unborn and I decided to join my parents in praying a rosary. The impact that the praying had on me was remarkable, and in that moment my passion for the pro-life movement sparked. Like dominoes, one event led to another and soon I was attending pro-life meetings and prayer services frequently.Everything led up to the March For Life in Washington, D.C. I thought that the March would fulfill my yearning to help in the pro-life movement, but little did I know that the March For Life would only make my passion boom. The March For Life did not leave me satisfied: it made me hungry for more. From that moment, I wanted to put my time and effort into the pro-life movement, so that I may have an impact on a greater cause.We all have our reasons for being pro-life, whether the reason be religious, scientific, a mixture of both, or something completely different. For me, it is a mixture of both. I look at the evidence that science provides and only come to one conclusion: human life starts at conception. I also have my faith which helped me take my first steps to be involved in the pro-life movement.Without my faith, I would not have been in the position to be involved. My faith challenges me to put my “Love into Action”. It doesn’t only matter what I say, but also what I do. I do not want to only say that I was pro-life, I want to show it. By becoming an intern, I became one of the SFLI community, so I can put my love for all life: men, women, the young, and the old, into action in a more concrete way. One misconception about the pro-life movement is that we are only against abortions. However, the pro-life movement is much more than that; we have a mission to respect all life and give each human person the respect and dignity that he or she deserves.With this internship, I expect to grow in my understanding of the pro-life movement, in my faith through prayer for the success of the movement and the strength to take on any challenge, and also in my leadership qualities by being more independent and responsible for myself and others. I cannot wait to see what the next few months have in store for me with SFLI.Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I begin my journey with SFLI this fall!Corey is a fall intern with Students for Life of Illinois. He is a freshman studying mathematics at the University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign.


Life Changing


Meet Frieda!