Merry Christmas!

Dear Friends,This fall our pro-life students were spreading the message of love, joy and hope by writing positive pro-life messages with sidewalk chalk around campus.Here was the response at U of I:F*** y’all! Whoever chalked the quad with all that pro-life -BULLS***!I would like to personally tell you to mind your business!!

Stand for life with students - give here!

That was one of about a dozen angry pro-choice students who reacted by defacing the pro-life messages with their own chalk.That’s when a student came into the cafeteria and said, “There’s a group outside… They thought it would be funny to deface the pro-life messages.”What would you do?

Hostile Environment

This is the hostile environment where weDignify serves. While our main focus is on campus, this type of reaction is not surprising when you consider what’s going on in the culture...

  • This year, Illinois made abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy.
  • Then, Planned Parenthood opened a new 18,000 foot “mega abortion clinic.”
  • Illinois is now home to two of the largest abortion clinics in the United States!


Stand against abortion - give now.

Faced with these facts, I’ve been reflecting on what more we could do to help the pro-life movement in Illinois.

Building the Movement

In just 7 years, the March for Life Chicago has grown from 150 to more than 8,000 people.To me, there’s so much potential!Imagine a March for Life in Illinois that attracts not 8,000 but 100,000 pro-lifers from all over the Midwest!That’s what we’re investing in right now.Let me explain.Not only will we be bringing pro-life students to the March for Life Chicago…Not only will our joyful pro-life students be at the front of the March for Life Chicago…This January, weDignify will be leading the first ever March for Life Chicago ConventionThe Convention features 30+ exhibitors from 13 states, youth rally, banquet, and swing dancing.This is the missing piece that will move people from marching just one day in January to living pro-life year round!Through the convention, we’ve already doubled the number of pro-life organizations involved with the March for Life Chicago!

I want to build the movement!


A Leader Steps Up

Now, remember the vandalism? Here’s how one weDignify student responded:“I immediately recognized it as an opportunity! After all, I have been trained by weDignify on exactly how to handle this situation!” – Kavanaugh, weDignify student leaderBecause of weDignify, Kavanaugh didn’t hesitate.“I went up to them, asked them what they were doing, and started a dialogue. I was confident in weDignify’s training but it was still scary. I knew this group of students already didn’t like me.”Kavanaugh shared the pro-life message the way we trained him to and it worked!All 7 students picked up their chalk and peacefully walked away because of Kavanaugh!That is the impact of just one student!

I will support Kavanaugh today!

Kavanaugh is one of hundreds of students who we have trained.Now imagine thousands of voices echoing off skyscrapers and pro-life people flooding the streets of downtown Chicago - That is the impact we can have together!

Save Lives Today

Today, you can do your part with Kavanaugh and all of weDignify in saving lives!This year’s Christmas Campaign goal is to raise $110,000 to save lives.Some very generous donors will MATCH any gift up to $50,000!

Kevin, double my gift!

Whatever you give by December 31st will count TWO TIMES for weDignify!When you give: $250 weDignify receives: $500When you give: $1,000 weDignify receives: $2,000When you give: $2,500 weDignify receives: $5,000And so on...I deeply appreciate your support.We are all looking for a way to make our dollars go further. This is a great way to make your dollars go twice as far to save lives.Yet there’s more!If we raise $100,000 then a very generous donor will add another $10,000!

I will give so weDignify receives $10,000!

Click here to give your most generous gift to help us mentor more young pro-life leaders like Kavanaugh and unite thousands in Chicago.Our success comes from your generosity! We cannot do this without you. Join us in building a culture of life!Thank You and Merry Christmas!Kevin GrillotExecutive DirectorP.S. Please give the most generous gift you can, so weDignify can receive an extra $10,000!P.P.S. All gifts are DOUBLED up to $50,000, but you have to give by December 31st!


065 - The problem with being “personally pro-life”


064 - Confidence that leads to the unthinkable