National Pro-life Chalk Day - from the BK Lounge

National Pro-life Chalk Day

2 02 2011

Thursday, February 3rd is the first annual National Pro-life Chalk Day sponsored by Students for Life of America and Rock for Life.  Sidewalk chalking is one of the easiest and cheapest forms of pro-life activism and it works very well.

Several years ago I was part of a team who sidewalk chalked messages for a particular girl who we knew was scheduled for an abortion in Pittsburgh, PA.  We told her that we loved her and would help her, we chalked pro-life facts all around the block. She ended up going to another abortion mill that morning and never saw these messages. Thirty minutes later another girl with the same name walked up and saw the messages; she changed her mind and kept her baby.

Here are some pointers for tomorrow from the National Pro-life Chalk Day web stie:

With a handful of chalk and an arsenal of pro-life slogans, you can leave a lasting impression on hundreds or even thousands of people.

Step 1: Pick up sidewalk chalk (Walmart, drug stores, young siblings)
Step 2: Collect your pro-life friends (this is optional, but helpful)
Step 3: Find a heavily trafficked public area
Step 4: Chalk short pro-life messages in large letters everywhere

Example Messages You Can Use:

“Abortion Hurts Women”
“Women Need Love Not Abortion”
“Restore Preborn Rights”
“Human Rights for ALL: Born & Preborn”
“Heartbeat at 21 Days”
“Social Justice Begins in the Womb”
“Adoption Not Abortion”
“Love them both”
“End Womb Lynching”
“Abortion = Preborn Genocide”
“Abortion is Racist”
“True Feminists are Pro-Life”
“Peace Begins in the Womb”
“Planned Parenthood Protects Rapists”
“Pro-choice = No-choice”
“End the War on Preborn Children”
“Women Regret Abortion”
“Equal Rights for Preborn People”


Draw 3500 baby feet or hearts and chalk  “Abortion Stops 3500 Hearts Every Day.”

For more information on National Pro-life Chalk Day -

This is a great event! Sadly, here in Illinois it may be hard to do because of all the snow.


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