Notre Dame Demonstration Schedule

ND Response has received official permission to host a prayerful and constructive demonstration on the campus of the University of Notre Dame on the weekend of Commencement. As students of this University, we invite all those interested in respectfully and constructively standing alongside us as we give witness to Notre Dame's Catholic identity and affirm the sanctity of life. We have posted below a schedule for Commencement weekend. Please stay tuned to this page for further details as we get closer to Commencement.

MAY 16th

9:30 p.m.: Adoration Begins In On-Campus Chapel

Location: Coleman-Morse Building (Chapel of Notre Dame Our Mother)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place throughout the night in an on-campus chapel. Students, parents, alumni, church groups, Catholic clubs, and pro-life organizations will be asked to sponsor an hour of prayer during this all-night vigil (to sponsor an hour, please email Bishop D'Arcy has confirmed that he will be in attendance at the beginning of this vigil.

MAY 17th

10:45 a.m.: Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Location: Coleman-Morse Building (Chapel of Notre Dame Our Mother)

Those arriving on campus the morning of May 17th are encouraged to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament praying for the senior class, for the University of Notre Dame, and for a greater respect for life around the world. Eucharistic Adoration will come to an end with Benediction led by a Holy Cross priest.

11:15 a.m. : Sunday Mass

Location: South Quad (near the Rockne Memorial)

An outdoor Mass will be celebrated on-campus for all those who have traveled to Notre Dame for this weekend to stand alongside the University's students. All priests, Bishops, and Cardinals who travel to Notre Dame for this weekend are invited to concelebrate this Mass. (If you are interested in concelebrating this Mass, please email

12:30 p.m.: Rally On The Quad

Location: South Quad (near the Rockne Memorial)

Following Sunday Mass, a rally affirming the uniquely Catholic and pro-life foundation of Notre Dame will take place on South Quad. This rally will feature speakers with strong connections to the University who embrace Notre Dame's Catholic identity and hold it to a higher standard of conduct that demands defending the fundamental human right to life.Speakers confirmed to address those gathered on South Quad include:

  • Rev. John J. Raphael, SSJ; ND '89, Principal of St. Augustine High School in New Orleans, LA.
  • Elizabeth Naquin Borger; ND '78, Former Chairman of the Board of the Women's Care Center.
  • Dr. David Solomon; Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Notre Dame; W.P. and H.B. White Director of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics & Culture; Chair of the steering committee for the Notre Dame Fund to Protect Human Life.
  • Rev. Wilson Miscamble, CSC; ND '77 (M.A.), '80 (Ph.D.), '87 (M.Div.), Professor of History at University of Notre Dame.
  • Lacy Dodd, ND '99; Room at the Inn, Board of Directors.

2:00 p.m.: Class Of 2009 Vigil For Life

Location: Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes

At the conclusion of the Rally, those supporters in attendance will be urged to join seniors who have decided not to attend graduation at a prayer vigil on campus. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, will be leading a Scriptural Rosary during this prayer vigil.

3:45 pm : Final Blessing And Departure of Travelers

Additional Details


Directions to the University of Notre Dame and campus map


ND Response is working in collaboration with Saint Joseph County Right to Life and numerous parishes in the area to provide accommodations for travelers for the night of May 16th. If you are in need of a place to rest and would like more information about possible arrangements, please email


Please stay tuned to this website for more information related to parking.

Concerning Signs and Graphic Images:

Any person willing to respectfully and constructively demonstrate their disapproval of the University's decision to honor President Obama at commencement is welcomed to stand alongside students at this rally. Graphic images and signs not in keeping with the tone of this rally will not be permitted on Notre Dame's campus. ND Response reserves the right to have individuals who do not follow student requests escorted from campus by security personnel.We hope that you will join the students of ND Response in making May 16th and 17th days of powerful and constructive witness to the Catholic identity of Notre Dame and to the fundamental principle of the sanctity of life.See you on May 16th!


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