Petition: Tell UIUC Not to Force Students to Pay for Abortions!

abortion moneyThe University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign automatically enrolls their students in a healthcare plan that pays for abortions. This means that any students who do not opt-out of the student insurance policy are automatically enrolled in paying for abortions.Members of the Illinois Student Senate are trying to stop forcing students to pay for abortions but they need your help! Please fill out the petition below to show the University that we won't stand for abortion in the UIUC healthcare plan!---PETITION---We the undersigned ask that the University of Illinois stops covering abortion as "any other sickness," in its mandatory student insurance plan.

  • As students, we do not want to be forced to pay for abortions
  • As alumni, we do not want to support our alma mater if it forces current students to pay for abortions
  • As concerned citizens, we do not want our tax dollars to fund abortions at the University of Illinois through federal Pell grants.

We demand that the University removes the coverage of abortion in the student insurance plan as soon as possible.

Sign The Petition!

* required

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---...History:Following the discovery that the University of North Carolina required its students to have health care and automatically enrolled them in a plan that covered elective abortions, Students for Life of America researched the 200 largest universities in the United States to see how similar their plans were to North Carolina System’s plan. SFLA looked at a) if the school required health care, b) if they automatically charged a student’s account for health care, c) if the school offered a school-sponsored health care plan, and d) if the school-sponsored health care plan covered elective abortions.SFLA found that out of the 200 schools researched:

  • 67 or 33.5% of 200 schools require students to have health care coverage
  • 194 or 97% of the 200 schools offer school-sponsored plans
  • 86 or 44.3% of the 194 schools who offer school-sponsored health care plans cover elective abortions
  • 38 or 44% of the 86 plans that cover elective abortions, automatically enroll their students in an abortion health care plan.
  • 66 or 33% of the 200 schools automatically enroll their students in their school sponsored health care plan to student’s accounts.
  • 38 or 57% of the 66 plans automatically enroll their students in a school sponsored plan that covers elective abortion.



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