Planned Parenthood is Having a Bad Week

Things are really heating up for Planned Parenthood. They are getting scared... And they should be! They are finally being exposed for what they are. The House of Representatives and the Media are starting to shift just a little. (Even if it is mostly Fox News) The light shown on Planned Parenthood now could lead to their downfall. Below are some videos from just the past week.You and I have a responsibility to keep shedding the light on PP through all the means available. Post these things on facebook and twitter. Talk about them with your classmates or coworkers, friends and family. The facts speak for themselves, so don't be scared to bring it up. Be bold!You have great power to expose Planned Parenthood too!Here's Abby Johnson on O'Reilly talking about the controversy:The controversy has even reached the President of the United States:And Finally, here's a long one with Lila Rose discussing the corruption of Planned Parenthood on Glen Beck:


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