Post Election Response: Pro-Life Leadership Summit
Pro-Life Student Leaders:Yesterday, history was made in the United States of America. The most pro-abortion politician in the history of our nation was democratically elected to the highest office by a landslide.In response to the rise of President-Elect Obama, we pro-life students MUST COME TOGETHER to discuss how we can turn this apparent failure into a successful action plan for LIFE.Although Obama offers little real Hope for the unborn, there is still great HOPE for the unborn through the pro-life students like you. The backbone of this movement is NOT the Presidency, nor the Senate, nor the House. The backbone of this movement is you! And there is so much that you can do to save lives! The time is now!In case you were not aware, Barack Obama:
- …repeatedly opposed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which would protect those babies born due to 'failed' abortion.
- …is opposed to Parental Consent for abortions among minors.
- …supports an extreme form of sex education in public schools that thrusts forth the 'culture of death' philosophy.
- …supports the CREATION Of human embryos through CLONING for the sole purpose of destroying them for stem cell research
- ...and to ice the cake, he has vowed that the FREEDOM OF CHOICE ACT (FOCA) which would essentially undo all of our pro-life victories in these United States, would be the first piece of legislation he would sign.
The time is now to unite in our Pro-Life efforts and sacrifice as we have never done before. The time is NOW to stand in public and face criticism and persecution for the truth we hold dear...that all life is sacred, and, as we so boldly state in our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE:We hold these truths to be SELF EVIDENT: that all life is created equal, and has been endowed by Our Creator with certain, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS...among which are LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS.PLEASE JOIN US: Tuesday November 11, 2008, 6:30 p.m. CSTCENTRAL / SOUTHERN LOCATION: University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana604 E. Armory Ave.Champaign, IL 61820(John-Paul Deddens, Moderator) RSVP: deddens@SFLillinois.orgNORTHERN LOCATION: ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO PASTORAL CENTER:155 E.Superior St.,Chicago, IL(Alicia Torres, Moderator) RSVP: atorres@archchicago.orgWE NEED your presence at this event. We NEED your RSVP TODAY! Join us on this evening when we choose to make HISTORY here in ILLINOIS for the RIGHT TO LIFE. This is not just another issue. This is the CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE OF OUR GENERATION. Don't sit on the sidelines and watch history unfold...MAKE HISTORY!Questions/concerns/comments: Contact John-Paul Deddens, / 937.572.2818 (SFLI Executive Director) or Alicia Torres / 312.608.9170 (SFLI Board Member).Join us now...there is no time to lose! We look forward to working together with you to secure our human rights on November 11, 2008!For Life,John-Paul Deddens, Alicia Torres and Students for Life of Illinois