Pro-Life Heroes

I spend quite a bit of my workday for SFLI reading, researching, and writing, and the more I learn, the more I realize how much I have yet to learn about abortion. In my conversations, I am growing in my understanding of the abortion industry and its politics as well as what we can do to preserve the dignity of human life. Although I’ve gained substantial knowledge on what it means to be pro-life, I think I’ve gained a lot more training in patiently and humbly seeking out the truth on the issue of abortion. Asking questions has become much more important in my work than having answers.In asking questions and researching, I’ve learned from dozens of people committing themselves to the pro-life movement. While their answers are insightful, their heroic generosity in fighting for the unborn is what I’d like to expose this afternoon.• Stephen Wagner has created an ambassadors’ training program which develops pro-life ambassadors to have informed minds, an artful method, and an attractive manner. His book, “Common Ground without Compromise,” outlines some basic methods of creating dialogue within your sphere of influence.• Cardinal O’Connor, after a powerful experience at the concentration camps in Dachau, devoted his whole life to protecting the sacredness of human life. In 1991, he founded the Sisters of Life (, a religious order of sisters committed to protecting and enhancing the sacredness of human life. Their mission includes providing practical assistance to pregnant women, retreats, and post-abortive healing.• David Bereit left a career in sales to devote his energies to the pro-life movement. Having started his own nonprofit organization, rallied churches, and raised financial support, he now motivates others to use their talents for the pro-life cause.This list is far from exhaustive, and I am excited to learn from other pro-life heroes as our efforts in Champaign, Illinois continue. Do you have a pro-life hero? Feel free to share.


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