Pro-Life Spring Break 2011
Here's a great opportunity from Stand True!
If your Spring Break is between March 9th and April 17th we want you to spend it praying for the end of abortion. Stand True and Austin Coalition for Life are teaming up to provide a great pro-life mission opportunity for you during spring break.March 9th marks the start of the spring 40 Days for Life campaign where pro-lifers from around the world gather to pray and minister outside of abortion clinics. Hearts and minds are change and hundreds of babies are saved during each 40 Days for Life event.Former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson quit and joined the pro-life movement because of the efforts of a 40 Days for Life campaign in Texas. One of the key figures in her journey into the pro-life movement is Elizabeth McClung who will be hosting this Spring Break Mission Trip in Austin, TX.Elizabeth is organizing host homes and meals for any college student who wants to spend their spring break doing pro-life work. If you can make it to Austin Texas, we can provide you with food and lodging as you join us praying at the abortion mill as part of the 40 Days for Life and volunteering for Austin Coalition for Life.If you are interested in spending your spring break saving babies instead of getting a tan, we would love to have you join us in Austin.E-mail for more details.Austin Coalition for Life - http://austincoalitionforlife.comFind out more about 40 Days for Life at -