Rockford Abortion Center Closes for Good!

Rockford Abortion ClinicSo, after going back and forth, the Rockford Abortion Center is closing for good!This is great news! This closure was my birthday wish and it looks like I got it!I hope you will join me in celebrating by clicking here to share this on facebook!From the story:

"The clinic's director confirmed today that the clinic's owners have decided to close the clinic's doors for good after being closed by the state for three months.

The clinic's decision is based on a lack of support from the community, the political climate surrounding the abortion issue both locally and nationally and the challenge the clinic would face in rebuilding staff, the director said."

The director claims that it is because of falling community support, but this abortion facility was never supported by the community in Rockford. So, personally, I think there is a deeper reason that isn't coming out.I posted about the original health and safety violations here and the fake-out that had everyone thinking that they would re-open here.Don't forget to click here to share the good news on facebook!


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