A Great Birthday Present? Rockford's Abortion Center Shutdown

Rockford Abortion ClinicThe developing story of the Rockford abortion center that has been closed due to four major safety violations is yet to find a resolution.This is good news and bad news. The good news is that it will stay closed for now. The bad news is that it may still re-open.Today, I found out that the next hearing in this case will be on January 4th.I was born in January and I can't think of a better birthday present than to have that January 4th hearing end with the permanent closure of this dangerous abortion center.From WREX.com:

The Illinois Department of Public Health indefinitely suspended the license for the Northern Illinois Women's Center on Broadway in Rockford because of four major safety violations. The violations include the lack of a registered nurse in the operating room for all invasive or operative procedures and to supervise and direct nursing personnel in the care of patients.

Do you think I will get my birthday wish?


Next Week...


Talk About It: The End of Talking About Abortion