Serrin Foster at IIT

"The Feminist Case Against Abortion"

Talk by Serrin Foster, Feminists for Life

Take a stand for life and for true feminism!  Come and hear Serrin Foster present “The Feminist Case Against Abortion” at Illinois Institute of Technology on Monday, November 8th at 7p.m. in the MTCC auditorium.The MTCC auditorium is located at the corner of 33rd St. and State St. in Chicago, and it is right off the C.T.A. Red Line.  Invite your college-aged friends and family to attend this presentation, which is co-sponsored by the Respect Life Office's Chastity Education Initiative.  People of all ages are welcome, and there is no charge for the event!For more information, call Emily Warpinski at (312) 534.5355.


Speak Out 2011


Breast Cancer Prevention