SpeakOut Illinois 2009 Scholarships

Contact us now to reserve your spot FREE!

Students for Life of Illinois has secured several student scholarships for the SpeakOut Illinois Conference thanks to the generosity of a pro-life donor.  This is a world-class pro-life conference that is a great opportunity.  If you are a pro-life college student and you contact us before January 19th you will not have to pay the $50 conference fee.

The 2009 SpeakOut Illinois Conference, "Rekindle the Fire," will be held Saturday, January 31 at the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center. Our program will feature talks by Fr. Thomas Euteneuer and Dr. Alveda King, plus the presentation of the Henry Hyde Leadership Award to Phyllis Schlafly. The Master of Ceremonies will be Christian radio personality Sandy Rios.

Conference Flyer Available

Download the SpeakOut Illinois 2009 conference flyer [PDF] to share with your friends. The flyer includes the entire conference program, venue information, sponsor list and registration form. Also available for download is the Teen Speak [PDF] flyer.


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