Sign the Petition: Stop FOCA in IL
On March 4th SFLI will present a petition to the Illinois Legislature asking them to oppose HB 2354. This bill has been dubbed the "Illinois FOCA" as it will remove what few restrictions on abortion we still have in Illinois. Please sign this petition! It is imperative that YOU speak up! Planned Parenthood will be lobbying on March 10th in support of this terrible bill. Please send this petition to everyone you know in Illinois so that we can make a powerful stand for life!
Effects of HB 2354
1. Disallow any regulation of abortion procedures or emergency contraceptives in Illinois2. Potentially require public funding of these same abortion procedures and emergency contraceptive services3. Enact broad immunity protections for those involved in abortion procedures4. Mandate “comprehensive” sex education for every public school student in the state5. Drive anyone holding religious or conscience objections to any abortion-related procedure or emergency contraceptive from the Illinois’ health care community by codifying religious discriminationYes, I oppose HB 2354 and similar legislation that enables unrestricted abortion and the devaluing of human life. Sign Petition Now!