Summer Leadership Retreat
.Announcing the second annual Students for Life of Illinois Leadership Retreat!This is for you college pro-life leaders who want to work together to create a Culture of Life on your campus.Objectives:1. We want your input on the future of SFLI and how pro-life groups can work together more effectively!2. We will give you the opportunity to apply to be an officer for SFLI!3. We will have an opportunity for group leaders to get together to plan for the coming year and share ideas!4. We will discuss the SFLI Collegiate Conference!Recap:What: Leadership Retreat When: Friday July 27th 7pm to Saturday the 28th 7pm (Come when you can!)Who: You and anyone you know who is interested in SFLIWhere : Champaign, IL at University of Illinois. (The location could be moved to Chicago depending on where everyone is coming from)Please email me at ASAP to confirm or with any questions!