This Might Get Graphic

As the vice president of my college Pro-Life group, I was curious about what our policy was going to be concerning graphic pictures.  The officers pretty much unanimously decided “no.”  I was a little bit taken a back at this, because I was (and still am) in favor of using graphic pictures. I outline why they’re important in the provided video.(WARNING: THIS VIDEO DOES CONTAIN GRAPHIC PICTURES)However, looking back, I think the officers made the right decision.  We actually weren’t the first Pro-Life group on our campus.  There was previously a group by the name of “Warriors for Life” that used to represent the pro-life group on campus.  “Warriors for Life”, yeah that’s a perfect name for a movement that is often heavily mis-characterized as “violent” by the mainstream media.These guys would also hold G.A.P events on campus and I’m not bashing the Genocide Awareness Project, I’m just saying it didn’t work on my campus.  The group eventually phased out of existence which temporarily left a void that my group would come to fill.When we told students that we were a Pro-life group, they cautiously asked us if we were the group that showed graphic pictures to students on their way astronomy.  In this context, it probably would be best, not to show graphic pictures for a while, at least not in the open.  Now perhaps if we are giving a presentation, or a debate, then it would be appropriate to show graphic pictures. That of course is the best way to approach using graphic pictures.  It should only be done in a proper context.Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this blog post are not necessarily the views of Students for Life of Illinois.

Special Christmas Opportunity:

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A Special Christmas Story - Baby Jasmine


National Pro-Life Youth Rally at Washington D.C!