Video Contest: Why Should We De-fund Planned Parenthood?

Students for Life of Illinois will be joining with pro-life advocate Lila Rose, Live Action, Students for Life of America (SFLA), and several other pro-life groups to sponsor a de-fund Planned Parenthood video contest.

We will be giving out cash prizes for young people who make the best videos explaining why Planned Parenthood should be defunded.

The grand prize is $1,000 cash, and there are two runner-up prizes, including $500 cash. The deadline for the videos, which should be no longer than five minutes, is Monday March 7. You can participate if you are between the ages of 14-25.

You’ve seen the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood aiding and abetting child sex trafficking, covering up statutory rape, and lying to young girls. You’ve read the reports about how Planned Parenthoods across the United States have been charged with crimes ranging from covering up illegal late term abortions, not reporting the rape of young girls, and falsely billing the state of California.

Now is it time – to show America why you think Planned Parenthood must be De-Funded.

Other co-sponsors, include Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, Rock for Life, Right to Life of Central California, Generations for Life, Pro-Life Action League, Susan B. Anthony List, Teen Defenders, Cherish Life Ministries, Stand True, LIFEsocal

To find out more information, click here.


40 Days for Life Spring 2011


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