What Can I Do?

Yesterday, I shared how one of our students compassionately helped his sister.Today, see how one student group is compassionately helping thousands![embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nru_FL4tVq4&feature=youtu.be[/embed]SFLI student, Katie Melody, dreamed about how she could help students in crisis pregnancies.But, she didn't stop at dreaming.She stepped up to lead the Loyola Students for Life Service Committee. Running the committee was exciting and challenging.At times, Katie didn't know where to go or how to make her dreams into reality, so Katie met with SFLI Campus Mentor, Pam. They met 1 on 1 every week this past semester.When Katie dreamed up the idea of creating a video to reach students in crisis pregnancies, it was Pam, she turned to for guidance.Pam mentored Katie in finding ways for many students to be involved.Every student on Katie's committee wrote a line in the video. One student even composed the musical score specifically for the video!We are so proud of Katie Melody for selflessly leading her peers in saving women and children from abortion!With your help, we can train even more students to be a pro-life leader like Katie!

Click here to train more Katies!

Today, you have a great opportunity to multiply that training and help us build up more passionate pro-life students who will save even more lives!Some very generous donors have offered to match any gift that you give by December 31st up to $27,000!Whatever you are able to give before the end of the year will count TWO TIMES for SFLI!When you give: $100                        SFLI receives:  $200When you give: $500                        SFLI receives:  $1,000When you give: $1,000                     SFLI receives:  $2,000And so on...

Click here for TWICE the Impact!

We are all looking for a way to make our dollars go further. This is a great way to make your dollars go twice as far to save lives.Yet, there’s more. If we raise $55,000 then a very generous donor will add another $7,000!Join us in reaching more young people to save more lives!

Save Lives

I want you to know that I deeply appreciate your support. Our success at saving lives and transforming students into pro-life leaders comes from you!I cannot do this without you. Join me in building a culture of life!Thank you.Lovin' Life,KevinP.S.  Please give the most generous amount that you can so that your gift is doubled!P.P.S.  Don’t forget, the deadline give to help us save more lives is December 31st


Double your gift this Christmas!


Life Changing