A heartbreaking reality, and how WE can change it.
In 2023, 72,143 children lost their lives to abortion in Illinois - a staggering 15,686 more than the previous year.
This devastating increase is not surprising, given that Illinois has become a haven for abortion. Here’s why:
Illinois uses taxpayer funds to pay women to come into the state to receive abortions.
They allow doctors to perform abortions even if they lost their medical license in other states.
They allow abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy.
Over 1/3 of abortions in Illinois - 26,168 - were performed on women from other states, nearly triple the number since 2020. Illinois has become an abortion hub, and we cannot stand by in silence.
It is our duty to speak for the unborn, to defend those who cannot defend themselves.
On March 25th, thousands will gather in Springfield for the Illinois Pro-Life March - and weDignify will be there, leading the march.
Will you stand with us? Join us in marching for life by clicking below.