Voices for Life

Connect with Carly and Linnea, the Two Young Women Joining WeDignify’s Mission!


Meet Carly

“I was invited to a weDignify small group many times during college, but I didn’t say yes until my last semester. I see the incredible value this organization brings to our campus. I was kicking myself for not listening to my friends and signing up sooner! I have always known I am on the side that protects life, but being in a weDignify small group has given me the courage to voice this belief.

I am blessed to have the opportunity to use my communication skills to share weDignify’s mission. And I’m excited to support weDignify’s cause by helping others find their voice in standing up for the pro-life mission. By spreading our vision on campus and beyond, I hope to inspire others to join us in standing for life!” - Carly Hill

Carly is the Communications and Events Coordinator for weDignify. 

Do you want to learn more about weDignify? Email Carly at c.hill@weDignify.org. 

Meet Linnea

“I was very involved in the pro-life movement in high school, I even started a pro-life club at my high school despite a lot of push back. But it took me a while to get involved in college. I thought I knew everything about being pro-life, but weDignify taught me so much.”

Linnea not only joined a small group, she also led one too! Through her leadership, she has helped cultivate a culture of life and has experienced many joys along the way.

“I’ve learned how to better change hearts for life, and how to help pregnant women to choose life. I am so excited to be a pro-life missionary. I witnessed a student change from pro-choice to pro-life through Small Group. My goal is to change more hearts for life!” - Linnea Kobbs

Linnea will be serving as a pro-life missionary at the University of Illinois, where she is a junior.

Find out more about Small Groups at the bottom of our home page!


Transforming Campuses and Communities


Gaining Confidence, Changing Minds