054 - 2,246 aborted babies found in the Illinois garage of a deceased abortionist: the story, legal implications, and where we go from here

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On September 14, 2019, news broke that the bodies of more than 2,000 aborted babies were found in Illinois. When taken full account, a total of 2,246 babies' bodies were discovered in the garage of deceased abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer.What happened?What will happen to the remains of these children?What can we do?Mary Hallan FioRito, JD joins the show today to discuss the investigation, developments since the bodies were discovered, and how we can act to dignify their lives.Information mentioned in the show:CBS Chicago: More Than 2,200 Medically Preserved Fetal Remains Found After Death Of Well Known Abortion Doctor - linkNew York Times: More Than 2,200 Preserved Fetuses Found at Property of Dead Doctor, Officials Say - linkWashington Examiner: Remains of more than 2,200 unborn children discovered in Illinois home of dead abortion doctor - linkThe Washington Post: Indiana lawmakers seek probe of ex-abortion doctor’s clinics - linkWNDU Video: Indiana Right to Life and Allen County Right to Life news conference - linkWill County Sheriff's Office (Facebook Video): PRESS CONFERENCE - September 19, 2019 - FETAL REMAINS DISCOVERED - linkThe Washington Post: Abortion doctor had more than 2,000 fetal remains at his home. Authorities need help investigating. - linkIndy Star: All 2,246 fetal remains found in Illinois home came from Indiana, Curtis Hill says - linkChristian Post: Is abortionist Ulrich Klopfer who hoarded 2,246 dead babies in his garage an outlier? - linkFamily Council: Some Details Emerge Regarding 2,246 Aborted Babies Found at Abortionist’s Home - link

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