058 - Poor, homeless, AND pregnant? Abortion is her best option...right?

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What if the mom is poor?What if the mom is homeless?What if having this child drives the family into poverty?Today, hear from guest Michele Sterlace-Accorsi from Feminists Choosing Life of New York about growing up experiencing poverty and homelessness and how her childhood formed her passion for defending life at all stages.Mentioned in this episode:Feminists Choosing Life of New York - websiteErika Bachiochi - linkGuttmacher Institute: Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives - linkGuttmacher Institute: Induced Abortion in the United States (September 2019 Fact Sheet) - linkFeminists for Life of America - websiteChoice42 - websiteDr. Laura Lederer of Global Centurion (fighting human trafficking) - website

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059 - Against abortion except in cases of...? How Aimee Murphy’s personal experience with sexual assault formed her consistent life ethic.


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