2012 SFLI Conference Speakers!
The following speakers will be featured at the 2012 Students for Life of Illinois Conference on October 20th! Don't miss out on hearing from these knowledgeable speakers!Melissa Ohden (Keynote Speaker) is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion and was born alive at approximately seven months gestation. Formerly a College Outreach Speaker with Feminists for Life, Melissa now works with individuals and organizations around the world to raise awareness of the inter-generational impact of abortion on women, men, families and communities. Melissa has been featured on television and radio programs. Her life and ministry is featured in the award winning pro-life documentary, “A Voice for Life.”Hear Melissa's story at the SFLI Conference!
Nancy Kreuzer serves as Sanctity of Life leader at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, IL. She is the Illinois Regional Coordinator for Silent No More Awareness Campaign which is a national organization that seeks to help men and women wounded by abortion and to educate the public of the devastation abortion has on people.Don't miss Nancy at the SFLI Conference!
John-Paul Deddens is the founder and Executive Director of Students for Life of Illinois. John-Paul has been featured in publications and appeared as a guest on various radio programs representing SFLI. John-Paul also served on the board of Illinois Federation for Right to Life. His goal is to see effective and active pro-life groups on every college campus in Illinois.Meet John-Paul at the SFLI Conference!
Kevin Grillot is the former President of Students for Life at St. Louis University. Starting with only 8 members, Kevin grew the group to over 60 active members. Through innovative fundraising, Kevin led the establishment of an endowment to assist pregnant students, who choose life, to continue their education. Students for Life at SLU was recognized nationally for outstanding achievements in building a culture of life. Kevin now works as a Campus Mentor for Students for Life of Illinois.Get valuable advice for your Pro-Life group from Kevin at the SFLI Conference!