40 Days for Life - Chicago Vigil

You can help make a life-saving impact by joining our Chicago peaceful prayer vigil outside the abortion facility at:Family Planning Associates Medical Group659 W Washington BlvdChicago, IL  60661Our peaceful, legal, vigil will be conducted each Saturday during Lent. We will be present in a spirit of prayer and petition from the hours of 7:00 AM through 7:00 PM.Our dates are 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/1, 3/8, and 3/15. We will meet on the public side walk outside of the clinic along Washington Blvd.While prayer and fasting are crucial aspects of the 40 Days for Life effort to end abortion, the most visible component is this peaceful prayer vigil outside a local abortion facility. Please make a commitment to join us for one or more of these Saturday vigils if at all possible.


Be a Voice for the Innocent Unborn!


Abortion and Breast Cancer: The Link...