Abortion pushed in Illinois and Medical Schools

The lecturer joked about abortion...

...she called a child a ‘parasite’ and went on for 30 minutes about how horrible it is that there is only one Planned Parenthood in St. Louis.”

That’s what Annie, a weDignify alumna, faces in her medical school classes.

Pro-choice politicians are pushing for extreme abortion laws, and medical schools are promoting abortion in class.

In her medical ethics class, a lecturer called the pro-life message “false science.”

Annie, a weDignify alumna, with the pro-life group she started at her medical school!

“I’ve felt backed into a wall - everything is presented as so one-sided. It's not about the science - it's about whose body they think is more of a person.”

But Annie refused to be intimidated - she organized the first pro-life group at her medical school.

How was she inspired? She attributes it to weDignify’s training.

Donate now to train more inspired and motivated students like Annie!

“I know how to find common ground and use statistics and history to have these hard conversations.” And now she’s converting future doctors to be pro-life!

We need to train more students like Annie. Otherwise, abortion will spread. New York’s new abortion laws are atrocious and Illinois laws may soon be even worse...

One third of the IL House of Representatives is sponsoring a bill called the Reproductive Health Act (HB 2495). If passed, it will be the most extreme state abortion law in the country!

It would:

  • Allow abortion up to birth for any reason
  • Force insurance providers to cover abortion
  • Allow non-doctors to perform abortions, and more.

If you are horrified by this, like we are, then GIVE RIGHT NOW. We need your help to train students who will change the culture and laws.

Donate now to train more students like Annie!


029 - A review of Unplanned | The weDignify Podcast


028 - Pro-Life AND Feminist?! | The weDignify Podcast