Abortion: Talk About It
This is the first post in a series entitled "Talk About It." This series will focus on how to spread the pro-life message through your personal relationships.Here at SFLI, we are big proponents of utilizing your personal contacts to spread the pro-life message.It can be easy to get caught up in wanting to reach 'the masses.' In fact, talking about abortion in a blog post, letter to the editor, sidewalk chalking or by posting fliers is usually the default and sometimes the easiest.However, the fact remains that your personal sphere of influence is where you can have the most impact. Seriously though, when was the last time a flier really moved you to action?Let's think about it for a moment.What got you involved in the pro-life movement?Was it a flier?Was it a blog post or facebook status?Was it sidewalk chalk?Probably not...So, what got you involved in the pro-life movement?The first answer I usually get to this is something like... "I believe life begins at conception and I think it's important need to protect innocent life" This is a nice answer, but it doesn't really anser the question that I'm asking.I'm not asking what made you 'think pro-life things' but rather, what made you 'do pro-life things.'For most people, the answer ultimately comes back to a person. For most people, it usually comes back to a person who invited them to do more. That person is usually someone they already have a relationship with.I'm guessing this was the case for you. It sure was for me (and most people I talk to).Recognizing this is very powerful.
Talk About It
So, what does this tell you?It tells me that the simple act of talking about abortion more can have a profound impact. It tells me that just talking about it can have a bigger impact than most of us ever expected.The great thing about this is that just talking about it doesn't require a ton of time. It doesn't require huge efforts. It doesn't require a big change in your life.You just have to do it.Work it into your daily life.You talk to people normally, right?Right.
But How?
How do you talk about it?How do you bring it up?How do you make sure you know what you're talking about?These are all things that I'm going to cover in this series.Sign up here to be notified of future posts in this series.
What do you want to know?
Is there anything in particular that you would like me to cover in this series? Please leave a comment below and let me know!