Pat Quinn and a Lie Well Told
"The history of our race, and each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal." - Mark TwainPersonal PAC, the extreme pro-abortion political action committee, has asked Pat Quinn to present the "Pro-Choice Leadership Award" at their upcoming fundraiser. Pat Quinn, a self-professed "Catholic" has complied.When news of this reached Illinois' Catholic Bishops, they made no equivocations about what this means. Here is their statement:
I think this is great!People who publicly profess Catholicism (or any religion for that matter) should be held accountable in grave matters such as abortion. Quinn's life presents a distorted view of Catholicism to the public and it may well confuse Catholics and non-Catholics alike.Beyond Catholicism, we should all be doing this. Religious authorities, voters, interest groups, citizens and all who seek to advance the common good (religious or not) have an obligation to hold elected official accountable to protecting innocent human life. Your voice should be heard whenever a politician who represents you is standing against life!I don't mean this in the sense that you should just go vote against these politicians. I mean that your voice should be heard by them and by everyone around you. Because of the fact that "...a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal."In response to the Bishops' statement, Quinn commented with a lie well told. Your voice being heard can keep the truth alive and kill an immortal lie.Quinn artfully (and dishonestly) responded by sidestepping the issue of the killing of pre-born children.From the SunTimes:
“I am going to the event to present an award to a woman who was a victim of rape and who is a very strong advocate of helping rape victims all over our state [and] our country,” Quinn said Thursday. “I really feel that’s a proper, Christian thing to do to honor someone who’s doing someone [sic] that helps the community at large.”
Asked whether he’s offended that George and the other bishops were questioning his credentials as a Roman Catholic, Quinn said, “No, I just follow my conscience. That’s all you can do in life.”
That, my friends, is a lie well told.I'm sure he's not making up the fact that the recipient is a victim of rape, but he's certainly not being honest about the situation.He is presenting the "Pro-Choice Leadership Award" (aka the "You're really good at promoting abortion award") at a fundraiser for an organization whose sole mission is the radical expansion of abortion. The crimes perpetrated against the recipient of that award do not change the truth.Unfortunately, Quinn uses the horrible crime of rape to kill the truth and tells a lie that will likely gain immortality.I'm not talking about this because I'm Catholic. I'm not talking about this because abortion is 'a religious issue.' I'm not talking about this because I'm trying to influence an election.I'm talking about this for two reasons.First, because too often public officials are not held accountable for their support of killing pre-born humans. I'm really glad that the Bishops called Quinn out so publicly. (Please take a moment to thank them below)Second, because we need to be on guard for these well told lies.We must tell the truth better than they tell lies. We must anticipate the lies with well told truths!---I applaud the Bishops for their statement!I urge you to contact the Bishops (even if you're not Catholic) and thank them for holding Pat Quinn accountable to his stated faith.Cardinal George, Chicago: 312-534-8230 or archbishop@archchicago.orgBishop Doran, Rockford: 815-399-4300Bishop Braxton, Belleville: 618-277-8181Bishop Jenky, Peoria: 309-671-1550Bishop Paprocki, Springfield: 217-685-8500Bishop Conlon, Joliet: 815-722-6606You will reach the general switchboard, and will have the chance to leave a message or ask for the bishop’s office.