Abortion Warning Label Petition
Students for Life of Illinois is part of a group of organizations that is petitioning the FDA to treat Abortion - the leading cause of death in America - the same as smoking, the second leading cause of death in America.From SFLA,
The FDA recently announced new restrictions on cigarette packages, forcing manufacturers to feature prominent graphic images on the front of every cigarette package to warn smokers of harmful effects that smoking can have on their health and those around them.When picking up their cigarette packages, smokers will see pictures of a man blowing smoke out of a hole in his neck, a smoker’s mouth riddled with cancer, a baby under a cloud of smoke, and a deceased man, among other colored graphics.This marks the biggest change in cigarette package warnings in over a quarter of a century and notes the shift in American public opinion about smoking.Yet, what about abortion?Where are the warning labels on abortion?Where are the warnings to tell a woman that abortion will kill her child and scar her for life?Sign your name to this petition to tell the FDA that all abortion facilities and abortion-causing drugs should come with graphic warning labels - showing women what an abortion really does.
Click here for the Petition.This petition is sponsored by Students for Life of America, International Right to Life Federation, Life Coalition International, Catholic Coalition of New Mexico, Dr. Gerard Nadal, Life Issue Institute, Life Legal Defense Foundation, One More Soul, The Radiance Foundation, Pro-Life Nation, Operation Rescue, Survivors, Human Life Alliance, and Students for Life of Illinois