Aurora Pro-Life Rally

The next big PRO-LIFE RALLY will be held 9-11 a.m. APRIL 26 near the Planned Parenthood site at Oakhurst and New York in Aurora.The theme for the rally is "It's a matter of LIFE and DEATH".  Several different special activities will highlight that theme, including:"Cemetery of Choice" will tell the sad stories of mothers killed by abortion. We will mourn their deaths and pray that no more women lose their lives to "choice" and "Prayer Walk for Life" to thank God for the babies and mothers saved from abortion since Planned Parenthood opened.EVENT:  "It's a matter of LIFE & DEATH" Pro-Life RallyWHEN:  Saturday, April 26, 9-11 a.m.WHERE:  New York Street and Oakhurst Drive, AuroraMAP:  Details coming soon -- watch your e-mail


Bringing SFL to Lewis University, Part 1


Bridging the Gap at U of I