End of the Year Call to Action

SFLI would like to thank you for joining with us in the fight for Life this academic year.  It is your witness, your voice, your action that makes a difference on college campuses and in the hearts and minds of all those who encounter your passion to protect the dignity of every human life.  Thank you!For those of you who are graduating, we hope that you will carry your enthusiasm for the pro-life movement into whatever you do.  Be confident in what you know to be true and remember that thousands are standing beside you in the battle for what is right.To those who will be returning to campus next year, we encourage you to take advantage of the final weeks of school to solidify your pro-life groups for next year, to continue to witness to Life, and most importantly, to excel in your vocation as a student.  We would also like to urge you to use the summer months to continue building up the pro-life presence on your campus.  Keep in contact with your fellow pro-life students and mentors and brainstorm ways to improve your effectiveness in changing the Culture for Life.If you are currently involved with your pro-life group's leadership or will be taking on a role next year, please email us information about your group and officers so we can support your work on campus.  Email John-Paul@ProLifeIllinois.com now.


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