FOCA Facts: Novena

NovenaI was one of many who received several copies of the FOCA novena that's been circulating.  I didn't pay much attention because I was already praying and have plenty on my plate with running SFLI.  I didn't even read the whole email.I was surprised to find out now that the email was claiming that Obama would sign FOCA on Jan 21 or 22.  This would be a great slap in the face to the pro-life movement since the 22nd is the March for Life date.  However, all bills have to make it through the legislative process.  So, this dates is false.  Here is an article that goes into some of the misinformation out there about FOCA.  Please read it.Let's not get carried away with this FOCA thing.  It is terrible, but let's check our facts before passing them on.SFLI planned it's January Activism Day for Jan 28th because if FOCA were to be introduced at the beginning of the session (as far as I can tell, that has not yet happened) then the initial hearings would have been around that time.  So, we chose that date to be safe knowing that the pro-aborts would probably hold off.  In which case, our Activism Day would be an initial mobilization to spread the word among the general public, outside of pro-life circles.


SFLI Director Speaks at Prayer Service


Understanding the Gospel of Life: Lecture Series