
Over the course of the past three weeks, I have had the pleasure of spending a fair amount of time among young Catholic missionaries. These missionaries are living here at UIUC's Newman Center for their training, which concludes two weeks from today. The program they are in is called FOCUS, which stands for Fellowship of Catholic University Students.What I find most intriguing, enthralling even, is the incredible, fiery passion these people have for doing good in the world. They are absolutely committed to making a difference in people's lives. That is their focus (yes, the pun is intended). In shortly under two months, all two hundred-something of them will be sent off to campuses, public and private alike, around the country to evangelize people. This alone shows you how much these young men and women care about the world around them. They are willing to trade in basically all that they are comfortable with in order to change other people's lives for the better, in places that are so very often filled with  a longing for something deeper.I am inspired by these missionaries to continue my work and to help spread this message, the pro-life message. I feel strengthened to continue to go out and face the challenges presented by our campuses, knowing that I am comfortable in my campus, and it is the least I can do to speak out for what is right in my own proverbial backyard."We must be the change we want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi


Study Finds Adult Stem Cells, Not Embryonic, Best Suited for Repairing Muscle


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